Our API uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of requests.

200OK — Everything worked as expected
400Bad Request — The request was unacceptable, often due to missing or invalid parameter
401Unauthorized - Authentication failed
402Not enabled — Please contact Scale before using this endpoint
404Not Found — The requested resource doesn’t exist
409Conflict — The provided idempotency key or unique_id is already in use for a different request
429Too Many Requests — Too many requests hit the API too quickly
500Internal Server Error — We had a problem with our server. Contact Scale.

Response Code Categories

2xx - Success

Indicates that your request was successfully received, understood, and processed.

4xx - Client Errors

Indicates that the request contains invalid data or is improperly formed. These errors occur when:

  • Required parameters are missing
  • Authentication credentials are invalid
  • Resource access is unauthorized
  • A resource that is trying to be created already exists

5xx - Server Errors

Indicates issues with our servers. These errors are rare and typically temporary. Please visit status.scale.com for more information about our API status.