Project archetypes identify the type of flow contributors will experience when tasking. These archetypes allow standardization of the instructions, task parameters and response formats while allowing a customizable task flow.
It is possible for projects to have multiple archetypes. For example, it is possible to construct a project that does RLHF on Process Supervision data.
Supported Archetypes
The following archetypes are currently supported in the v2 API.
Evals - Contributors can rate model responses on a pre-defined numeric scale.
RLHF - Contributors can indicate preferred model responses.
Rubrics - Contributors can create annotations on a pre-defined set of criteria determined during project creation.
SFT - Contributors can write and rewrite model responses.
Future Archetypes
The following archetypes are planned for the v2 API.
Multi-modal - Contributors can interact with multimodal data (e.g. images, videos, audio).
Process Supervision - Contributors can annotate the chain of thought of a model.
Browser Trajectories - Contributors can annotate browser usage of a model.
The following sections provide more detail on the response structure for each of the supported archetypes.