How to use Scale APIs
Your First API Call
Decide Which Tasks You Want to Download
You can browse your projects and batches in the Scale Dashboard. API supports searching tasks by name or ID of the associated projects, batches or deliveries.
Scale API offers multiple ways to search tasks that you want to download:
- You can download from a project or a batch
- You can download tasks directly from a specific delivery
- You can recently completed tasks from a project
Downloading Tasks
Below you can find an example of how to download completed tasks from a project: Retrieving Tasks
You can also explore other ways to download tasks from Scale API:
- Download multiple tasks from a project or batch with different parameters
- Download tasks from a given delivery from a project
Downloading Tasks
See our API Reference to retrieve a single task or query for tasks in a project or batch.
Uploading Tasks to Scale
You can use Scale Python SDK to upload tasks to Scale.
Initializing Scale SDK Client
First you are expected to create a batch in the project.
Creating a Batch
Creating Tasks
Once a batch is created, then the tasks can be created within that batch. Each task is expected to have certain information sent in the request payload that corresponds to the project.